US Popularity:563
Other Origin(s):Arabic
Meaning:Peaceful, safe; Complete, perfect
Parents seeking a witchy name for baby will love Salem. This gender-neutral title has origins in both Hebrew and Arabic and bears the meanings “peaceful, safe, complete, perfect.” Salem is a Biblical place name that refers to the holy city of Jerusalem. Despite its positive connotations, Salem has a dark history in the US. In the 17th century, people were too busy burning witches when they could have been burning the patriarchy. Nowadays, Salem is also associated with the loveable megalomaniac cat in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. With so much history behind this magical name, it is quite the title to bear. But baby Salem will undoubtedly rock this bewitching name, casting a spell on everyone!
Common Nicknames for Salem
When it comes to nicknames, one word comes to mind—cute! And that’s exactly what baby will be. So why not choose an adorable nickname to remind them just how loved they are? Find cool and fun nicknames for little Salem below.
How Popular Is The Name Salem?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Salem is currently #348 on The Bump
Boy:Salem is currently #204 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Salem is currently #252 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Salem is currently #563 in U.S. births
Boy:Salem is currently #629 in U.S. births
Girl:Salem is currently #420 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 31
from 2022
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky
Abarim Publications, Salem meaning
Online Etymology Dictionary, Salem
Ancestry, Salem
Collins Dictionary, Definition of 'Salem' April 2021
Behind the Name, Salim
Name Doctor, Salem
Wallenfeldt, J. Salem witch trials August 2023
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