By Gabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist
One of the many sweet things about adding a new love to your life is having the privilege of naming them. It’s a special task because baby’s name can inform their personality and, in some cases, how others will treat them. With such high stakes, it’s important you choose the perfect one for your bundle of joy. So why not start by exploring biblical baby names here at The Bump?

Biblical Baby Boy Names

Biblical names have been around for, well, a long time. Some of these names have stayed true to those roots, while others have taken on a more modern spin. Biblical boy names are often easy to rattle off; Joseph, Matthew, and Luke immediately come to mind. But biblical names like Micah or Isaiah could be an interesting take on the classic names.

Biblical Baby Girl Names

Biblical girl names also range in tradition, with each being just as beautiful as the last. Elizabeth or Abigail, to name just a couple, are gorgeous names for your gorgeous baby girl. These names speak of a sweet delicacy and pay homage to the women you can learn about through the journey of faith.

Popular Biblical Baby Names

Set baby up for a life tied to their faith and riding the waves of the trends with a popular biblical baby name. These names range from classic biblical associations to new-age beauties and variations with a comfortable fluency.

Unique Biblical Baby Names

Give baby the opportunity to be tied to your faith forever while still having the edge on the playground with a unique biblical baby name. These gorgeous names dive deep into the scriptures to take old or even ancient names into the 21st century with the help of your brilliant little one en route.

Healing Biblical Baby Names

There’s nothing like faith for the faithful to feel like you’ve been healed! Healing biblical baby names call upon the figures in the Bible and Torah known for their uniquely healing ways or have modern-day associations with such. Give baby that little touch of grace wherever they go with a healing baby name.

Nature-Inspired Biblical Baby Names

So many of the events of the Bible and Torah take place in nature or while inspecting nature that it only makes sense to look into nature-inspired biblical baby names! These names also pair well with a life that, while being devoted to their faith, can have a greater appreciation for the wide world around them.
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