US Popularity:11087
Meaning:Dreary, mournful; Dawn; Young; Little
Xiao is a gender-neutral name of Chinese origin and has several meanings, depending on which characters are used to write it. While it can translate to "mournful" or "dreary," some of the more upbeart translations are “dawn”, “little”, and “young.” Xiao’s connotation with the morning will make natural early-risers fall in love with this precious moniker. Dawn is a peaceful and transformative time where the sweet scent of dew and a fresh pot of coffee meet in harmony. Genuine morning-lovers will be tempted to name baby Xiao in honor of their favorite hours of the day.

How Popular Is The Name Xiao?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Xiao is currently #1150 on The Bump
Boy:Xiao is currently #639 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Xiao is currently #827 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2006
+ 4002
from 2005
In comparison to the previous year's data
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