US Popularity:10557
Other Origin(s):German, Vietnamese
Meaning:Rainbow; Expand, great, vast; Wild swan; Red; Pink; Rooster
Hong is a gender-neutral name of Mandarin, Vietnamese, and German origin that shares multiple meanings, depending on its spelling and dialect. While in German, it may derive from the old word huon for “_rooster”,_ in the Mandarin dialect, Hong translates to “rainbow,” “expand,” “great,” and “vast.” The Chinese name is also laden with aqua-inspired etymologies, such as “wild swan.” While on the color wheel Hong can be interpreted as “red” in Mandarin, while “pink” in Vietnamese, both reminding baby of a vibrant and popping hue! Linking to Taoism philosophies, Hong’s connection with the beauty of nature can serve as a portal to inner peace for both baby and parent alike.

How Popular Is The Name Hong?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Hong is currently #4078 on The Bump
Boy:Hong is currently #2283 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Hong is currently #2714 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2006
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from 2005
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