US Popularity:12503
Meaning:Intelligent, wise; Brightness; Benevolence, kindness, to bestow, benefit, favor
Hui is a gender-neutral baby name of Chinese origin meaning “intelligent,” “wise,” and “brightness.” Hui also comes with a selfless air, with the additional meanings “benevolence,” “kindness,” “to bestow,” “benefit,” and “favor.” In ancient Chinese traditions, especially Confucianism, wisdom and hope are pillars of the philosophy. Luckily, the name Hui carries these strong connotations in just a few letters. With any luck, it can inspire baby to make good choices and hopefully help others along the way, too.

How Popular Is The Name Hui?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Hui is currently #4697 on The Bump
Boy:Hui is currently #2640 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Hui is currently #3122 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2007
- 7278
from 2001
In comparison to the previous year's data
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