Meaning:Splendid, illustrious; Chinese; Flower, blossom
Hua is a gender-neutral baby name of Chinese origin. Depending on its spelling, Hua can mean “splendid, illustrious,” and “Chinese,” or “flower” and “blossom.” There are several uses of the name Hua, either as a placename in China leftover from the Xia dynasty or in a broader way to describe the Chinese people. But somewhere along the way, the Chinese character for “flower” became a beautiful baby name. Flowers are an integral part of Chinese culture and artwork and the name Hua truly embodies the spirit of their symbolism and status, making it an unquestionable choice for baby.
  • Behind the Name, Hua, April 2021

  • Wisdom Library, Hua

  • 100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 154

  • Ancestry, Hua Family History

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