US Popularity:3803
Meaning:Noble, aristocratic; Alone; To advise; To protect; My lady; Wish
Mona is a girl’s name with roots throughout the world. Coming from the Irish name Muadhnait it translates to “noble” and “aristocratic,” and is sure to rise to the occasion for baby. Mona is thought to be derived from the Latin name Madonna, which translates to "my lady" and is famously associated with the Virgin Mary in Christian theology. For an extra touch, Mona can be a short, sweet version of the Spanish name Ramona, meaning to "to advise" or "to protect," and the Latin and Greek name Monica, meaning "alone." For name that helps baby feel protected and safe in any situation, even when they're alone, Mona can do the job. Mona may have additional connections to the Arabic name Mouna, meaning "wish," celebrating your little one as the answer to your greatest wishes. You’ll also recognise the name from Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous portrait, the Mona Lisa. The name Mona can act as a tribute to your faith, your love of art, or simply a fondness for the undeniable elegance the name possesses.
How Popular Is The Name Mona?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Mona is currently #928 on The Bump
Girl:Mona is currently #678 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Mona is currently #3803 in U.S. births
Girl:Mona is currently #2107 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 57
from 2022
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 232
Online Etymology Dictionary, Mona
Online Etymology Dictionary, Mona Lisa
WordSense, Mona
WordSense, madonna
Ancestry, Mona Family History
WordSense, Ramona
WordSense, Ramón
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