By Gabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist
If you’ve always dreamed of raising baby in the countryside, you’re in the right place! In no time, you’ll be running after your little one in the rolling fields and you’ll need the perfect name to call out. Whether it’s a classic name primed for a vintage nickname or a modern selection ready to be tried and tested among the rolling hills, these country baby girl, boy, and gender-neutral names are ready to be put to the test.

Country Baby Boy Names

Country baby boy names take classic and modern influences and tie them together with a big, beautiful bow! With this list, you can pluck names straight from the family tree going generations back or add a soon-to-be classic. From Ernest to Carson, you have a selection of precious boy names with a breadth of centuries under its belt.

Country Baby Girl Names

Your little miss is en route and she’s going to learn all about the beautiful countryside, all thanks to you! From the fun classic of Annamae to the charming new-age Maisie, baby can experience a wide range of what it means to be a country gal with just her name alone.

Charming Country Baby Names

Country charm looks a little different everywhere you go, so naturally, country baby names come from all over the world! From Wales to France to Mexico, there are plenty of names ready to help baby bring a piece of their heritage and country charm no matter how far they go.

Classic Country Baby Names

The classics are classics for a reason, right? They’re names that stand the test of time and outlast all trends. From Ottis to Margaret, these classic country baby names will have you bringin’ in each season with your little pumpkin in timeless style.

Cute Country Baby Names

There really isn’t anything cuter than tiny cowboy boots and overalls besides baby in them, so when it comes to “cute” and “country,” these things are a natural pair! Consider a cute name to act as the cherry on top for baby’s claim-to-their-heritage sundae.

Nature-Inspired Country Baby Names

Some things just go together perfectly; pumpkin spice and autumn, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, and you and baby! When it comes to naming your little dumpling, nature-inspired country names create another perfect combo. From the sweet fruits straight from the trees to the beautiful life created from growing up a little wild, these names hold country life close.
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