
22 Weeks Pregnant

18 Weeks to Go!
Baby is as big as a coconut

Key Takeaways at 22 Weeks Pregnant

  • Your anatomy scan has happened already, and if you opted for genetic testing—such as amniocentesis—it’s probably wrapped up at this point.
  • You might feeling on top of the world—or not. At this point, your bump has probably popped and things might be a little cramped. Braxton Hicks and back aches may have you feeling mildly uncomfortable. Switching positions and getting some light movement should help!
  • Baby is rapidly developing nerve endings and looks more and more like a baby every day!

It’s getting crowded in there! Now that you’re 22 weeks pregnant, your rapidly growing baby is invading your space—to say the least. That’s why it might be tough to catch your breath and why your back might be killing you. Hey, as baby grows, they may be expanding your belly so much (so fast) at week 22 of pregnancy that you might start to get some stretch marks (sorry)—and you might even have a newfound “outie” belly button!

Video Highlights at 22 Weeks

Watch Week 22 Highlights

3D Views: My Baby, My Body

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Baby at Week 22

Now that baby's eyes are fully formed and lips have developed, they’re looking even more like a newborn (their future eye color will remain a mystery though!). Baby is sleeping in cycles—about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

With stronger muscles, they’re moving often and can now touch their ears and the umbilical cord. Imagining your future toddler playing on a jungle gym is less of a stretch.

22 week fetal development

How big is baby at 22 weeks?

At 22 weeks, baby is the size of a coconut. Average baby size at 22 weeks is about 10.9 inches long (at 22 weeks pregnant, baby’s size is measured from the crown of the head to the heel of the foot) and 14 ounces.

What does baby look like at 22 weeks?

If you could look inside that 22 week baby bump, you’d see that baby now has eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and fingernails. You’d see baby working on coordination and experimenting with the sensation of touch by moving their hands over their own face or grabbing their umbilical cord. You’d also see baby at 22 weeks responding to light and sound from outside your belly, so feel free to play with baby using a flashlight or by playing music for them!

22 weeks pregnant is how many months?

How long is 22 weeks? Hmm… it’s becoming difficult to keep track, so what exactly is 22 weeks in months, you ask? You're about five to six months pregnant, although doctors refer to your progress by week, not month.

22 week ultrasound

If you haven’t had your mid-pregnancy ultrasound yet, this is the week! This 18- to 22-weeks pregnant ultrasound gives you a glimpse of all baby’s major organs and other body parts. You’ve probably wrapped up the rest of your genetic testing at this point. Feel relieved that you’ve got all that out of the way!


Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 22

The most common 22 weeks pregnant symptoms have to do with the fact that baby (or babies, if you’re 22 weeks pregnant with twins) is taking over so much territory in your body. This includes:

Stretch marks

These scars are caused when your skin stretches so fast or so much that it actually tears below the surface. What’s not so cool is that the stretch marks may never go away completely, but they will fade in color after delivery, so they’ll be much less noticeable.

Outie belly button

Your innie has basically gone inside out and you’ve suddenly got an outie. This is another byproduct of an expanding belly. It can be a weird feeling, we know. Your outie will go back to an innie, we promise!

Increased sex drive

Some moms-to-be actually find they have an increase in libido around 22 weeks. That’s because your hormones are pretty much raging at this point. (We hope you're enjoying it!)

Increased vaginal discharge

You’ve got a water works situation down there—SO not fun, but don’t worry, extra discharge is just the result of increased blood flow down there. This could be a reason not to feel the sex drive boost other moms-to-be get at this phase of the game, but we think you should try to get into the mood anyhow. We really doubt your partner will mind a little excess lubrication.

Swollen hands and/or feet

Now that you’re pregnant, you have an increase in the amount of fluids in your body—so minor swelling is totally normal and will die down pretty much as soon as baby is born. Severe or sudden swelling, on the other hand, is not normal. It could be a sign of a dangerous pregnancy complication called preeclampsia, so tell your OB right away if you’re super swollen or swollen with sudden onset.


Your back hurts due to extra pressure from baby and from carrying around the extra weight. A heating pad on the lowest setting, a prenatal massage with your doctor’s approval and/or sleeping with a body pillow can help ease the pain.

Hair issues

Some people end up growing thick, lustrous hair. Other people end up with thin, limp hair. Whatever happens with your hair, your hormones are to blame, and all should return to normal after pregnancy. (Actually, many women lose a lot of hair in the postpartum period, so hair changes can be expected for a period of time after giving birth.)

Trouble catching your breath

Baby continues to crowd your lungs, making it tough to breathe at times. Remember not to take your workouts too far, and when you feel winded, take a break right away.

What to expect at 22 weeks pregnant

At 22 weeks, baby’s size is having quite an impact on the way you feel. Between Braxton Hicks, swollen feet, feeling winded and other 22 weeks pregnant symptoms, you’re really feeling the weight (haha) of this pregnancy. Try to take it easy when you get worn out, and don’t feel guilty about taking care of yourself. Growing a person is hard work!

Your Pregnant Belly at 22 Weeks

A typical 22 weeks pregnant belly measures approximately 20 to 24 centimeters from pelvic bone to the top of the uterus—that’s called the “fundal height.” If you’re 22 weeks pregnant with twins, don’t even consider fundal height, since twin pregnancies are all so different, there’s no real “typical.”

At 22 weeks pregnant, weight gain is likely on your mind. Your OB is probably telling you to stick to a slow and steady weight gain—about a pound or slightly more or less per week, depending on your body type. To do that, many people advise eating about 300 extra calories per day. Don’t obsess over calorie counting or anything—it’s just a good guideline to keep in mind.

Three hundred extra calories doesn’t mean you have to eat exactly three meals plus one or two small snacks. In fact, you should consider switching it up and eating five or six small meals over the course of your day. That way, it might be easier to stick to a well-rounded diet (since, admit it, most of us make healthier choices with our meals than we do with our snacks). Plus, by eating smaller meals and more regularly, you’ll lower your chances of having drops in energy, or heartburn, indigestion and other issues with that 22-week pregnant belly. Sounds delicious to us!

Can baby feel when I rub my belly?

Yes! Baby’s brain and nerve endings are rapidly developing and they can likely sense touch, which means they’ll feel your hand pressing gently on your 22 week baby bump. Baby may even respond by pressing back—cool!

By this time, it may be more obvious to an older child that you're pregnant. The uterus can only hide for so long!… Some of my patients have bought simple gifts for the sibling from the actual baby to give them after the new baby is born to help with the changes. Around 22 weeks you will probably still have some energy so you may want to work on getting some things organized like that to help long term.

MD, an ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando, Florida

Tips for 22 Weeks Pregnant

Suddenly feeling a whole lot less exhausted? Woohoo! Here’s how you can channel your extra energy this week.

Practice saying no

People are enchanted by a pregnant belly, but they might forget their manners and comment on your body or touch your belly without asking. Be prepared to step back and say “no thank you” whenever someone attempts to touch or offers unsolicited commentary.

Take advantage of feeling good

If you’re experiencing that wondrous second trimester energy, take advantage of it! Plan a trip or get some projects done around the house. Now’s the time to travel, if you’d like to, before the baby arrives. The third trimester might come with the return of exhaustion, so use this energy to your advantage.

Breathe through Braxton Hicks

If you’re having Braxton Hicks contractions, practice breathing through them, which will also help when you eventually go into labor. There are all kinds of breathing exercises, from yoga breathing to traditional labor breathing techniques, so choose what works best for you and use it.

Keep up with prenatals and healthy eating

Eating well and taking your prenatals not only helps baby grow strong and healthy, but it supports your body too, as it works hard to grow and house your little one. Calcium and magnesium are particularly important right now for baby’s bones and teeth, so focus on fortified foods, dairy products, avocados, salmon and dark leafy greens. (Hint: If you’re craving a treat, dark chocolate is also an excellent source of magnesium. Eat it with calcium-rich milk, and it’s practically health food!)

Plan a portrait session

Twenty-two weeks is a good time to start planning for a maternity portrait session. You’ll want to aim for a third trimester sesh to capture that big, beautiful belly, but it shouldn’t be so late that you risk going into labor before your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the brain develop in a fetus?

For such a complex organ, it’s no surprise the brain takes a while to grow. It develops throughout pregnancy, beginning in earnest five weeks after conception and not stopping until early adolescence. During this process, nerve cells (neurons) grow, differentiate and migrate to various parts of the brain, with connections between them forming. Typically, the fetus emits its own brain waves by the seventh month and has amassed more than 100 billion neurons by birth.

How can I relieve itchy skin during pregnancy?

If you’re feeling the need to scratch, your stretching skin (especially on your belly and breasts) could be the reason. To ease this normal side effect of pregnancy, apply unscented lotion or moisturizer and wear breathable, loose-fitting clothing, like a cotton dress. For more severe itching, though, see your doctor, who could potentially diagnose a liver or skin condition.

Is it possible to manage indigestion during pregnancy?

Yes, with some minor lifestyle adjustments, you can relieve this common pregnancy symptom. When eating, sit up straight and chew slowly, opting for five or six small meals (rather than three large meals) per day. Steer clear of fried, fatty or spicy foods, citrus and caffeine. Then, give yourself time to digest before lying down. When you do, elevate your head and torso by placing pillows underneath your shoulders. If you’re still uncomfortable, though, ask your provider to recommend a safe heartburn reliever.

Can babies hear in the womb?

Wondering whether your little one can detect that loud classical music you’re playing? The answer is likely yes—and has been since your eighteenth week of pregnancy.

Can I get a flu shot at this point in pregnancy?

Yes, any trimester is fine for this type of vaccination, and it’s recommended during pregnancy as you’re more vulnerable to infection. Most medical practitioners suggest getting your flu shot annually in either September or October.

Around the midway point, I suddenly started feeling like a human again. I wasn't falling on my face all day, I could exercise, I wanted to eat food. It was like a regained a bit of myself back.

Katie S., mom of one

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.


Cleveland Clinic, 20 Week Ultrasound (Anatomy Scan), April 2022

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Amniocentesis

Johns Hopkins Medicine, The Second Trimester

Kaiser Permanente, Your Developing Baby - Week 21, July 2022

National Library of Medicine, Braxton Hicks Contractions, August 2023

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Back Pain During Pregnancy, December 2021

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week by Week: Back Pain During Pregnancy: 7 Tips for Relief, November 2021

Yale News, Mid-Pregnancy May be Defining Period for Human Brain, October 2021

Harvard Health Publishing, Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Cleveland Clinic, Why Do Some People’s Belly Buttons Pop Out During Pregnancy?, March 2019

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development, March 2023

National Library of Medicine, Embryology, Eye Malformations, April 2023

American Pregnancy Association, Counting Baby Kicks

American Pregnancy Association, 22 Weeks Pregnant

Organogenesis, A Comprehensive Study Regarding the Intrauterine Development of Nails, March 2021

Louisiana Department of Health, Stages of Fetal Development: Second Trimester

UNICEF, How Music Affects Your Baby’s Brain: Mini Parenting Master Class

American Academy of Dermatology Association, Stretch Marks: Why They Appear and How to Get Rid of Them

Journal of Clinical Medicine, Changes in Sexual Desire in Women and Their Partners During Pregnancy, February 2020

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week-by-Week: 2nd Trimester Pregnancy: What to Expect, March 2022

American Pregnancy Association, Swelling During Pregnancy

Mayo Clinic, Preeclampsia, April 2022

American Pregnancy Association, Prenatal Massage Therapy

MedlinePlus, Skin and Hair Changes During Pregnancy, November 2022

Cleveland Clinic, Fundal Height, January 2022

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy Week-by-Week: What’s the Significance of a Fundal Height Measurement?, December 2022

UC Davis Health, Pregnancy Diet: Common Myths and What You Should Eat During Your Pregnancy, March 2021

Mayo Clinic, Eating Twice as Well During Pregnancy, May 2022

UCSF Health, Coping With Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

PLOS One, Fetal Behavioural Responses to Maternal Voice and Touch, June 2015

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Women’s Experiences of Their Pregnancy and Postpartum Body Image: A Systematic Review an Meta-Synthesis, September 2014

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Travel During Pregnancy, January 2023

American Pregnancy Association, Patterned Breathing During Labor

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Nutrition During Pregnancy, December 2021

Nutrition Reviews, Magnesium in Pregnancy, September 2016

Cleveland Clinic, 25 Magnesium-Rich Foods You Should be Eating, March 2023

Discovering the Brain, The Development and Shaping of the Brain

American Pregnancy Association, How to Treat Itchy Skin Naturally During Pregnancy

National Institute of Mental Health, The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know

Cleveland Clinic, Heartburn During Pregnancy

MayoClinic, Fetal Development

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Flu Vaccine Safety and Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association, 22 Weeks Pregnant

Cleveland Clinic, Fetal Development

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