US Popularity:26732
Meaning:Sun child; Ocean child; Good, positive child
Yoko is a feminine name with Japanese roots that can have a variety of meanings, depending on which kanji is used to write it. Also spelled Yōko, it can translate to “sun child” or “ocean child” and is a great choice to encourage your little one’s connection to the earth. Yoko may also translate to “good, positive child,” shining a light on your little one’s bright, upbeat demeanor. When you hear this name, the first person that may come to mind is artist and activist Yoko Ono, who was best known in the 1960s as the romantic partner of John Lennon from the Beatles. This can always inspire your little one to hone their creative skills and be eager to take risks in the art or music world. Yoko was most popular during the 30s, 70s, and 80s and can easily reach another peak in the future. If you want to give baby a name that has a vintage tone at different levels, Yoko can make for a great choice.
Famous People Named Yoko
Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
- Yoko OnoArtist, Musician
How Popular Is The Name Yoko?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Yoko is currently #3466 on The Bump
Girl:Yoko is currently #2333 on The Bump Girl Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
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+ 1217
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