US Popularity:28386
Meaning:Woman of the house; Strength of the sun
Whether they’re relaxing at home or out and about in the world, your little Solvej will shine just as brightly! A feminine name, Solvej has strong Scandinavian roots, though when it comes to precise meanings, things become a little more unclear. Solvej is said to mean “woman of the house,” painting a picture of a little one who is well and truly in charge! Other sources link Solvej to the Old Norse words sol, meaning “sun,” and veig, meaning “strength,” combined together as “strength of the sun.” Just like the ever-shining sun, your baby’s inner strength will inspire them to succeed in everything they do.

How Popular Is The Name Solvej?

U.S. Births

Overall:Solvej is currently #28386 in U.S. births
Girl:Solvej is currently #17219 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 2353
from 2020
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • #N/A
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