US Popularity:10614
Meaning:Moon; Having a hare
In India, Shashi is a traditional name for the “moon” and a beautiful gender-neutral given name. In Sanskrit, it’s said that the name Shashi is used because the dark markings on its surface were said to look like a hare, hence its other famous translation of “having a hare.” Whether you see it or not, the moon is the earth’s only natural satellite with its mysterious orb and the power to influence our tides and stabilize our climate. On Earth, Shashi is also often recognized as an urban district in Jingzhou, China. Whether your little one grows up to travel the globe or not, baby Shashi is sure to be reminded of the wonders of our silvery, celestial neighbor.

How Popular Is The Name Shashi?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Shashi is currently #4602 on The Bump
Boy:Shashi is currently #2585 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Shashi is currently #3062 on The Bump Girl Names

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in 1982
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