US Popularity:10725
Meaning:King, ruler; The dark one
Rajani is a gender-neutral name of Sanskrit origin. This name is inspired by Raja, which translates to “king” or “ruler” in Sanskrit. It also means "the dark one" and is an epithet for Kali, the Hindu goddess of time and doomsday, represented in art as a daring, dauntless figure. The name Rajani symbolizes nighttime and mystery, pointing to endless possibilities. Your precious little one will uncover many of life's wonders and mysteries along their path. Guided by your parental love and support, baby Rajani will undoubtedly flourish in the world, day and night!

How Popular Is The Name Rajani?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1985
No comparison data from 1984
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Raja (2), January 2019

  • Behind the Name, Rajani, November 2020

  • World History Encyclopedia, Kali, June 2013

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