US Popularity:10378
Meaning:Affectionate, compassionate, tender, kind-hearted friend, warm-hearted
Use baby's name as a way to remind them of the qualities they should show to the world around them. Shafiq, an Arabic name, means "compassionate," “affectionate,” “tender,” “kind-hearted friend,” and “warm-hearted." With this name, your little one can be reminded to be considerate and forgiving of the people in their life. They’ll understand that they won't always know what's going on in the lives of everyone around them, so they should treat them with kindness. Shafiq, sometimes spelled as Shafik, can also be used as a last name.
How Popular Is The Name Shafiq?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2013
+ 589
from 2004
Behind the Name, Shafiq, November 2019
A Dictionary of Muslim Names Edited by Professor S.A Rahman, pg. 78
Name Doctor, Shafiq
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 524
Ancestry, Shafiq Family History
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