US Popularity:1878
Other Origin(s):Arabic
Meaning:Princess; God is ruler; Night Traveler; Clouds and rain that come at night
Sariah is a girl’s name of Hebrew origin. This name, which translates to “princess" or "God is ruler," has deep roots in Biblical tradition. Sariah also appears in the Book of Mormon as one of the principal ancestors of the Mormon people, alongside her husband Lehi. According to the Biblical telling, Sariah traveled alongside her husband through the wilderness to the Americas, regarded as the promised land by followers of the Latter Day Saint movement. The name Sariah has deep religious reverence for those involved in the Mormon church, but for those outside it, it also represents a character of strength and perseverance. Thanks to its Arabic roots, Sariah can also be a respelling of Sariya, meaning "night traveler" or "clouds and rain that come at night." You could choose Sariah for baby to pay tribute to your faith, celebrating their connection to the night, or to inspire these admirable characteristics in their future journey.
How Popular Is The Name Sariah?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Sariah is currently #2042 on The Bump
Girl:Sariah is currently #1412 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Sariah is currently #1878 in U.S. births
Girl:Sariah is currently #996 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 92
from 2022
Online Etymology Dictionary, Sarah, December 2021
Quranic Names, Sariah, A Quranic Name for Girls
Quranic Names, Sariya, A Quranic Name for Girls
Behind the Name, Sariah, June 2023
Behind the Name, Seraiah, May 2020
Abarim Publications, שרר
WordSense, Sarah
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