Other Origin(s):Arabic
Meaning:A type of Indian bird; Partner, associate; Bright, radiant; Intelligent
Sareek is a boy’s name of Indian and Arabic origins whose exact roots are somewhat of a mystery. Possibly derived from the Indian Sarika and Sarik, Sareek could mean “a type of Indian bird.” This small and elegant songbird usually has a lot to say and could inspire a child who knows how to speak their mind. Symbolizing spiritual bliss, freedom, insight, and wholesomeness, birds represent beauty in Hindu culture. Adding to that, Sareek may mean “partner” or “associate,” sharing this meaning in its Arabic roots along with “radiant” and “bright” from Shariq and Sariq. From here, Sareek also adopts the meaning “intelligent,” topping the name off with mental prowess. Drawing from this, baby Sareek need look no further than within themselves to find calm and confidence as they grow.
Wisdom Library, Sharika, Śārikā, Sārikā, Sarika, Sārika, Sarikā, Śārika, Śarika: 26 definitions, Marathi-English dictionary, March 2024
Hamari Web, Shareek Name Meaning
Name Doctor, Shareek
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 520
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