Baby Names That Mean “Bird“
With the thousands of birds in the world, it’s hard not to take notice of them. Their cheerful songs, silly dances, and gorgeous plumage have influenced plenty of art throughout the world and have made for fascinating scientific discoveries, too—thanks, Darwin! So if your little one on the way is going to be taught to strut their stuff like a pretty peacock or sing their songs like sweet nightingales, then a baby name meaning “bird” could be exactly what you’re looking for.
Explore Baby Names That Mean “Bird”
How many different kinds of birds are there?
Whatever number you had as a guess, guess again! There are different pockets of biodiversity all throughout the world. As a result of the evolutionary habits birds have, these pockets have vastly increased numbers of species with small iterations. The currently accepted estimate of bird species is between 9,000–11,000; however, there could actually be approximately 18,000 thanks to the small variations! And they are mostly thriving, too, with the estimated number of birds in the world swinging wildly between the gargantuan numbers of 50 billion to 430 billion!
Are birds descended from dinosaurs?
In short, yes! But when answering with evolution, that answer can’t be short. The birds known today wouldn’t even be recognizable by some of their dino ancestors, coming from a group known as theropods. Theropod is a term encompassing a great deal of prehistoric creatures, including the tyrannosaurus rex, and it refers to simply their meat-eating, two-legged nature. Birds, obviously, evolved from smaller theropods, but scarily enough, they actually once had teeth, as evidenced by fossils created 150 million years ago. They likely survived the asteroid strike due to their relatively small size, variety in diet, and flight.
What is the smallest known bird?
Often, the smallest creatures are ones that hide—whether in plain sight or not—meaning that most humans haven’t seen a large percentage of the small critters of the earth. However, if you’ve been around any large, sweet flowers, you’ve likely been around some hummingbirds! These little ones are known for their constantly beating wings, long beaks, and incredibly tiny and agile bodies. The bee hummingbird, specifically, on average, weighs 1.95 grams and ranges in length from 2.2–2.4 inches!