US Popularity:14556
Other Origin(s):African, Burmese, Vietnamese
Meaning:Spring of water; Moon; Good luck; Sun; Mountain; River
For such a short name, the gender-neutral San has roots that stretch around the globe. San is a Burmese last name, meaning "spring of water," "moon,” and "good luck." In Japanese, San can have a variety of meanings, depending on the kanji used, some of which include “sun,” “mountain,” or “river.” It also means “mountain” in Vietnamese. A name immersed in nature with roots from the sun to the moon to fresh water, San is a refreshing and succinct option for your little love. Alternatively, San could be a nickname for anything from Sandor to Sandy; or a reference to the southern African indigenous San people. With so many options to choose from when it comes to this worldly moniker, baby can be whatever they want to be.

How Popular Is The Name San?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2021
- 13232
from 2020
In comparison to the previous year's data
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