US Popularity:11938
Meaning:Red cliff
Once exclusively a surname, Radcliffe has begun to follow in the footsteps of Campbell and Hunter, seeking first-name status. It's evolved over the years, from Radcliff to Ratcliffe, and is rooted in Old English. This sophisticated British name translates to "red cliff," which may instill baby with a spirited sense of adventure. Bold and curious, they'll live their life on the precipice, constantly pushing your buttons and flying to new heights. Not to fret, though! They'll always have you to mend those eager wings of theirs. Plus, if they’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, you can guarantee they’ll boast about sharing a name with actor Daniel Radcliffe.

How Popular Is The Name Radcliffe?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1990
- 1490
from 1989
In comparison to the previous year's data

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