US Popularity:11696
Meaning:Solitary; Advisor; Life; Woman; Alive; Desire; Intelligence; Intellect; Lord Krishna
Monisha is an American girl’s name, most commonly blending Monica and Aisha, giving it multiple origins and tons of meaning. Monica in Greek means “solitary,” while in Latin, it proudly means “advisor.” This independent name cannot forget about Aisha, meaning “life” in Swahili, and “woman” or “alive” in Arabic. With these two names beautifully intertwined, baby Monisha can have a daily reminder to lead a life worth living. Besides this combo, Monisha is possibly related to the Indian name Manisha or Manisa, translating to “desire” and “intelligence” in Sanskrit, as well as “intellect” or “Lord Krishna” in Hindi.
How Popular Is The Name Monisha?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Monisha is currently #2823 on The Bump
Girl:Monisha is currently #1916 on The Bump Girl Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2017
+ 3043
from 2014
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 70, 232
Behind the Name, Monisha, January 2009
Wisdom Library, Manisha
Quranic Name, Aisha
Hamari Web, Monisha Name Meaning
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