US Popularity:11363
Other Origin(s):Sanskrit
Meaning:light, lantern, lamp, shine
Pradeep is a boy’s name of Hindi origin. It is popular in different languages throughout the Indian subcontinent, where it has many alternate spellings. Pradeep means “light,” “lantern,” “lamp,” and “shine,” and comes from the Sanskrit word of the same meaning. Not only are these meanings indicative of the light that baby Pradeep has brought into your life, but they speak to how your little one will lead others out of darkness throughout their life, too.

How Popular Is The Name Pradeep?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Pradeep is currently #2432 on The Bump
Boy:Pradeep is currently #1370 on The Bump Boy Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2002
- 2653
from 1999
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Pradeep, January 2019

  • Behind the Name, Pradip, December 2017

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