US Popularity:21552
Other Origin(s):French, Latin, Sanskrit
Meaning:wonderful; peace; worthy of admiration; ocean
Mirelle is a feminine name of Slavic origin and sweet intonations. Manifold in meaning and variation, Mirelle flows forth from the name Mira, whose Slavic, French, and Latin origins denote it as meaning "wonderful,” “peace,” or “worthy of admiration." Yet Mira's Sanskrit origins weave a different tale, decreeing its meaning as "ocean." Named for the Rajput princess Mira Bai, Mira and Mirelle share much of her complexities. A loyal devotee of Krishna, Mira Bai held many roles as a mystic poet, royal figure, and bhakti saint. Above all, she defied social convention in honor of her profound love for the admired Hindu god, immortalized in her collection of devotional hymns. From this deep pool of creativity and adoration, Mirelle arises, capturing the most beautiful parts of the human heart.

How Popular Is The Name Mirelle?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
- 77
from 2021
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