US Popularity:21564
Meaning:Who is like God?; Mind; Mood
Mikki is a feminine name and a respelling of a well-loved nickname. This English moniker is the typically feminine variant of Mickey, the title given to Disney’s most famous mouse! Known for his cheerful personality and ”Meeska, Mooska” trademark phrase, Mickey Mouse is a beloved character all over the globe. Ultimately, both Mikki and Mickey are shortened forms of Michaela, a Hebrew name that translates to “who is like God?” Mikki could also stem from the Finnish Mielikki, meaning “mind” or “mood.” From your favorite fictional characters to their most treasured toys, Mikki could remind you and your little one of all the things that bring you joy.
How Popular Is The Name Mikki?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2022
- 100
from 2020
Behind the Name, Mikki, July 2008
Name Doctor, Mikki
Behind the Name, Mikki, November 2018
Behind the Name, Mielikki, May 2020
Disney, Mickey Mouse and Friends
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