Other Origin(s):Japanese
Meaning:Beautiful; Rose, gemstone; Favor; Bright, intelligent; Sprout, bud
Inner beauty and wisdom are undoubtedly traits any new parent would want their beloved child to possess. Mei-hui bodes well for a parent in search of such a fitting name for their baby girl, as this elegant name has some extraordinary meanings in both Mandarin and Japanese. In Mandarin, Mei-hui is a combination of both Mei and Hui, and depending on how you spell this name, you’ll find translations of “beautiful,” “rose,” “gemstone,” “favor,” “bright,” “intelligent,” and more. Often, these definitions are combined to reflect "beautiful wisdom" and are sometimes spelt Meihui, minus the hyphen. Similarly, in Japanese, Mei-hui possibly derives from the name Mei, meaning “bright,” “sprout,” and “bud.” No matter where baby goes, with a name like Mei-hui they’re sure to blossom and bloom in their own way!
  • Behind the Name, Meihui, December 2020

  • Behind the Name, Mei (1), June 2019

  • Behind the Name, Hui, April 2021

  • Japanese Names .info, Mei (2)

  • Behind the Name, Mei (2)

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