US Popularity:4842
Meaning:Pearls, Calm; Peace; Protected; Famous Warrior; Light
Lulu is a girl’s name of Swahili, Arabic, Hawaiian, English, French, and Latin and origins that has a variety of beautiful meanings. In Swahili, Lulu comes from the Arabic word lulu'ah, meaning "pearl." With it's Hawaiian roots, it means, “peaceful”, “protected”, and “calm.” Lulu is often used as a nickname for Louise, meaning "famous warrior," and Lucy, meaning "light." A beloved name worldwide, Lulu also has roots in Arabic, meaning “pearl”. The famous Scottish singer Lulu Kennedy-Cairns CBE was originally born Marie and is known for her powerful vocal talents. The name Lulu peaked in popularity in the 1880s. With such an adorable name lost to time, its uniqueness serves as an opportunity. To bring a name back to life with effortless grace can only come from a true Lulu, and we know baby is just right for the job!
How Popular Is The Name Lulu?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Lulu is currently #1194 on The Bump
Girl:Lulu is currently #859 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Lulu is currently #4842 in U.S. births
Girl:Lulu is currently #2739 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 1
from 2022
Quranic Names, Luluah, A Quranic Name for Girls
ULUKAU Hawaiian Dictionaries, lulu
WordSense, Meaning of Lulu
WordSense, Meaning of Louis
WordSense, Meaning of Lucy
Behind the Name, Lulu(2), November 2019
IMDb, Lulu(I)
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