US Popularity:1320
Meaning:Grain measurement; Mule; Sea inlet; Salt-rich land; Cloudy weather; Good; Beautiful; Praiseworthy
Khari is a gender-neutral name with a variety of origins and meanings for baby to enjoy. In Sanskrit, it can translate to "mule," connecting your bundle of joy to a strong pack animal that has been vital to humans for millennia. Representing anything from patience to determination, the mule can be a perfect choice for baby's spirit animal. Another possible meaning is "grain measurement," celebrating baby's potential for growth and reminding them that they'll always measure up to greatness. Khari also has roots in some of India's languages, meaning "sea inlet" or "salt-rich land" in Kannada and "cloudy weather" in Marathi. This can help baby always find their place in the world, whether they're relaxing by the sea or exploring the land. Khari may also come from the Arabic name Khaira, meaning "good," "beautiful," or "praiseworthy." Whether baby's beauty comes from their determined heart, down-to-earth demeanor, or growing mind, Khari can make for a great choice.
How Popular Is The Name Khari?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Khari is currently #629 on The Bump
Boy:Khari is currently #360 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Khari is currently #453 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Khari is currently #1320 in U.S. births
Boy:Khari is currently #827 in U.S. births
Girl:Khari is currently #1609 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 279
from 2022
Quranic Names, Khaira, A Quranic Name for Girls
DDSA, The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1) खारः, खारिः, खारी khāram, khārim, khārī
Wisdom Library, Khari, Khārī, Khāri, Kha-ri: 20 definitions
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