US Popularity:3584
Other Origin(s):Roman
Meaning:free man
Karl is a boy’s name of German origin. Karl means “free man” and is a great name for any baby who is ready to grow and explore the world around them. Karl is a popular name throughout Europe, including Germany, Sweden, and Norway. History fanatics amongst you will be aware that Karl was the name of several emperors of the Holy Roman Empire and Austria. Other famous bearers of the name Karl include German revolutionary Karl Marx and television personality Karl Pilkington, who is most well-known for his friendship with Ricky Gervais and the An Idiot Abroad series.
Famous People Named Karl
Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
- Karl BenzInventor
How Popular Is The Name Karl?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Karl is currently #2565 on The Bump
Boy:Karl is currently #1447 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Karl is currently #3584 in U.S. births
Boy:Karl is currently #1693 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 264
from 2022
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