US Popularity:23470
Meaning:World, universe; God is gracious
Jehan is a boy’s name of Sanskrit, Persian, French, and Hebrew origin, meaning “world,” “universe,” or “God is gracious.” This title is closely connected to Jahan, the name of the Shah who built the Taj Mahal. Although this was an incredible undertaking, the magnificent structure has stood the test of time and become one of the world's most beloved attractions. Your little one may seek inspiration in the accomplishments of this close namesake and create a legacy equally as magical in its own unique way. An adventurous boy gratified by heavenly graces, Jehan can look to faith or spiritual beliefs to find peace wherever in the world he is.
How Popular Is The Name Jehan?
U.S. Births
Overall:Jehan is currently #23470 in U.S. births
Boy:Jehan is currently #11400 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 1565
from 2021
Hamari Web, Jehan Name Meaning
Quranic Names, Jahan
Behind the Name, Jahan, May 2018
Behind the Name, Jehan, July 2009
Behind the Name, John, December 2022
Ancestry, Jehan Family History
Name Doctor, Jahan
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