US Popularity:26065
Meaning:Good; Nice; Brave, heroic; Sky, heaven; Luminous
Hao is a gender-neutral name of Vietnamese origin that can have different meanings depending on its spelling and character construction. When spelled Hảo, this moniker translates to “good” or “nice,” emphasizing the traits your little one will demonstrate every time they meet someone new! Other definitions of Hao include “brave,” “heroic,” “sky,” “luminous,” and “heaven,” so perhaps one day, your child’s courage and determination will lead them to high places! With their kind heart and ambitious mind, your Hao’s potential will be limitless.

How Popular Is The Name Hao?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2021
No change
from 2020
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Hảo, November 2023

  • WordSense Dictionary,

  • Behind the Name, Hào, November 2020

  • WordSense Dictionary,

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