US Popularity:12503
Other Origin(s):Chinese
Meaning:The moon; Boat, sail; Business; Rushing current; Trusted; Healthy, peaceful; Abundant
While not everyone can harness the power of the moon, a baby named Hang may just have a shot. This feminine name means "the moon" in Vietnamese and is as rare as a total eclipse. Hang might remind some of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam, where children walk around with lanterns to help a man called Cuội, who held on to a bayan tree as it floated to the moon, find his way back to Earth. Hang is also a last name in Chinese that has gender-neutral usage as a given name and different meanings depending on how it’s written. These include “boat,” “sail,” “business,” “rushing current,” “trusted,” “healthy,” “peaceful,” and “abundant.” You'll have plenty of reasons to celebrate once your little mooncake is by your side!
How Popular Is The Name Hang?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2007
- 4848
from 2000
Behind the Name, Hang (1)(2), March 2021
Vietnamese-English Dictionary, hằng
Quehong .org, hằng
My China Roots, Hang Chinese Last Name Facts
Vietnam Timeless Charm, Vietnam's magical Mid-autumn Festival
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