US Popularity:391
Other Origin(s):Irish, Latin
Meaning:Lord; Prince; Descendant of Gríobhtha; Descendant of the fierce warrior; Winged mythical creature
Griffin is a baby boy name of Welsh and Irish origin. Meaning “lord” or “prince,” Griffin is an Anglicized name of the Welsh Gruffudd, which derives from the Latin title Griffinus. Griffin is also associated with the Irish Gaelic name Ó Gríobtha, meaning "descendant of Griobtha" or "descendant of the fierce warrior." If you’re a fan of The Chronicles of Narnia, you’ll likely recognize griffins, or gryphons, as flying lions with the head and wings of a majestic eagle. Though baby won’t see these mythical creatures much, they are sure to be reminded every day of their strength, nobility, and courage with a name like Griffin.

Common Nicknames for Griffin

Nothing is really quite as cute as baby—but the perfect nickname comes close. From the catchy to the cool, the options for Griffin are so sweet you just can’t help but say, “awww!” And we’ve rounded them up for you and your adorable baby below.

How Popular Is The Name Griffin?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Griffin is currently #886 on The Bump
Boy:Griffin is currently #497 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Griffin is currently #391 in U.S. births
Boy:Griffin is currently #214 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 16
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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