US Popularity:26342
Meaning:Song, divine song; Pearl; Exalted one
Gita is a girl's name of Sanskrit, Greek, and Irish origin. Most commonly derived from the ancient Hindu poem Bhagavad-gītā, which translates to "Song of God." A 700-verse text, the Gītā is presented as dialogue that occurs between Prince Arjuna and the major Hindu deity Krishna. Speaking of an impending battle, the figures discuss matters of the soul, ethical dilemmas, and the importance of life choices. As much a philosophical text as a spiritual one, the Gītā remains a profound guide to all matters related to self-identity and purpose. Embodying this beloved scripture, Gita represents deep human compassion and higher understanding wrapped up in two syllables that simply mean "song” or “divine song.” Gita also has roots from other parts of the world, including the name Margaret meaning “pearl” in Greek, and Bridget, meaning “exalted one” in Irish.
How Popular Is The Name Gita?
U.S. Births
Overall:Gita is currently #26342 in U.S. births
Girl:Gita is currently #15927 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 1778
from 2022
WordSense Dictionary, Gita
Behind the Name, Gita (1), December 2022
Name Doctor, Gita
Behind the Name, Gita (2), November 2020
Behind the Name, Margaret, May 2020
Name Doctor, Gita (2)
Behind the Name, Bridget, January 2022
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