By Gabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist

Poetic baby names are as much a treat for the tongue as for the ears. They can evoke emotion with subtlety or tie directly to your favorite poet. No matter which path you choose, baby can rest assured knowing their name was selected with the utmost care. From name meanings calling upon the bards of the past or the visions and dreams of the future, poetic baby names offer a wide variety of definitions to keep baby feeling fulfilled. Poetic baby girl, boy, and gender-neutral names will start baby’s life with a dedication to literary dreams and inspirations.

Famous Poets

Do you have a favorite poet you’re hoping to share with baby? From Maya Angelou to William Shakespeare, the world can be baby’s literary oyster. These names house the timeless legacy of poems eerie, lovely, and everything in between. If it’s the dark academia you crave in a lifelong companion or perhaps stirring associations with natural imagery, baby could be the next Sylvia Plath or Robert Frost. But choosing a baby name can be tricky, even with your favorite poets at the ready. However, an unexpected benefit of loving the writers from centuries of western society means you can tick multiple famous poet boxes at once when considering names like William and Emily.

Poetic Baby Names

If you’re less tied to a specific poet and perhaps want more of the affect of poetry for the rest of your life, a poetic baby name could be key. These names are occasionally poems' subjects or can simply evoke the spirit of your favorite little breaks from reality. A poetic baby name can be a source of inspiration for both you and baby, reminding everyone daily of what’s possible with just pen and paper.
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