Other Origin(s):Persian
Erum is a girl’s name of both Arabic and Persian origin. Commonly derived from the names Iram and Eram, this mysterious variant means “paradise.” Across the globe, Erum is most known in the Persian folklore story of the ill-fated King Shaddad, who angered God with his cruelty and greed. The king attempted to compete with God by creating a worldly paradise—a heaven on earth—and the story goes that while King Shaddad was entering the gates of Erum, he fell and died, never seeing the true heaven. Unlike King Shaddad’s paradise, baby’s arrival will be a real slice of heaven on this earth, filling your life with beauty and wonder. What better way to recognize this fact than a name like Erum!

How Popular Is The Name Erum?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2019
- 2670
from 2013
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