US Popularity:12223
Other Origin(s):Italian, Latin
Meaning:Epiphany, manifestation
I’ve just had a revelation—Epifania is an illuminating choice for baby. This feminine moniker derives from the Latin Epiphanius, which originated from the Greek term epiphaneia, signifying “epiphany” or “manifestation.” In Christian tradition, the Epiphany is a feast day that takes place on January 6th each year, known as Epifania in Italian. It is a commemoration of the three wise men coming to visit Jesus, gifting him gold, frankincense, and myrrh. An epiphany can also be described as a striking realization or sudden understanding of the inherent nature of something. Typically given to children who are born around this time, it’s popular with parents who share this belief. No matter your reason for choosing this beautiful name, much like the act itself, baby Epifania’s arrival will be life-changing.

How Popular Is The Name Epifania?

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