US Popularity:16459
Meaning:Of great nobility, famous noble; Commander of the country; Electrification of the world
Elmira is a feminine name that might just illuminate your heart. While this title has several possible meanings, you may notice a common theme among them all! Elmira could be a variant of Edelmira, a title derived from the Old German Adelmar, meaning “of great nobility” or “famous noble.” If you have big dreams for your little one, just wait until you hear Elmira’s Turkish and Arabic translations. When the Turkish element el, meaning “country,” and the Arabic element amir, meaning “commander,” intertwine, Elmira takes on the meaning “commander of the country.” So, if baby finds their way to high office, don’t be surprised! In Russia, Elmira may have been a name given to celebrate a significant milestone in the country’s history, the achievement of widespread access to electricity. Some sources suggest that Elmira is a contracted form of a Russian phrase that directly translates to “electrification of the world.” With their incredible leadership skills and unmatched intelligence, your little Elmira is bound to be a bright spark.
How Popular Is The Name Elmira?
U.S. Births
Overall:Elmira is currently #16459 in U.S. births
Girl:Elmira is currently #9771 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 1615
from 2022
Behind the Name, Elmira (1), June 2023
Behind the Name, Elmira (2), June 2023
Behind the Name, Elmira (3), April 2024
Name Doctor, Elmira
Name Doctor, Edelmira
WordSense Dictionary, Elmira
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