US Popularity:78
Meaning:Light; Noble; God is my oath
Ellie, a girl's name, is a popular nickname for lots of other given names, like Ellen, Helen, Eleanor, and Elizabeth, or any other name with an -elle or -ella sound. The meaning of this name can change depending on which name it's short for. As a variation of the Greek names Helen or Ellen, Ellie means "light." Ellie can also be a shortened form of the Old German name Alice, which means "noble." If shortened from the Hebrew Elizabeth, it means "God is my oath." In Greek mythology, Ellie, or Helle, was the daughter of Athamas and Nephele and a Boeotian princess. Ellie's cute sound makes it a popular baby name choice for parents, as well as a sweet way to interpret any old family names.
Common Nicknames for Ellie
What’s not to like about the name Ellie? We love that it has super-sweet nicknames—and you can find them all below! Whether you’re searching for something soft or playful—or just plain adorable!—you’re going to love the nickname ideas we’ve rounded up for your little one. Take a look at our list of some of the common and cute alternatives for Ellie
How Popular Is The Name Ellie?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Ellie is currently #71 on The Bump
Girl:Ellie is currently #51 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Ellie is currently #78 in U.S. births
Girl:Ellie is currently #27 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 6
from 2022
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky
Behind the Name, Ellen(1) January 2022
Behind the Name, Eleanor May 2020
Behind the Name, Elizabeth December 2022
Name Doctor, Ellie
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