US Popularity:3390
Meaning:wrathful; one who receives pain
Odessa is a feminine place-name whispering of mythos and fantasy realms. The elegant title comes from the Ukrainian port city Odesa, named by the Russian empress Catherine the Great in homage to the Ancient Greek colony that once resided there. Such an honor would forever link Odessa to Greek myth and the legendary figure of Odysseus—king of Ithaca and hero of Homer's Odyssey. In this context, Odessa may be rooted in the Greek odussomai, "to become angry," earning it the meaning "wrathful." Yet, many others interpret Odysseus as "one who receives pain." It's a meaning that speaks to the king's ability to withstand great strife with enduring strength, resourcefulness, and courage—instilling Odessa with much the same.
How Popular Is The Name Odessa?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Odessa is currently #977 on The Bump
Girl:Odessa is currently #715 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Odessa is currently #3390 in U.S. births
Girl:Odessa is currently #1853 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 63
from 2022
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