US Popularity:28595
Other Origin(s):Spanish
Meaning:Sweet, candy
This is about as sweet a name as you can get. Dulcie comes from the Latin word dulcis, meaning "sweet,” and is also inspired by the Spanish word for "candy." It's related to Dulce, a traditional name that Cervantes drew inspiration from when naming Dulcinea, the chosen lady of the erratic knight Don Quixote. Baby Dulcie can use their name as a reminder to be as sweet as pie, even if their tantrums might say otherwise.

How Popular Is The Name Dulcie?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Dulcie is currently #4688 on The Bump
Girl:Dulcie is currently #3115 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
- 51
from 2021
In comparison to the previous year's data
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