US Popularity:11132
Other Origin(s):Celtic, Chinese, Gaelic, Irish, Latin
Meaning:Black, dark; Divine, delight; Really, truly; Good luck
Deedee is a girl’s name of multiple origins. Also spelled as Didi or Dede, Deedee may come from the Welsh name Dee meaning “black” or “dark,” the Irish or Gaelic name Deirdre, or the Latin names Delicia and Diana. It’s Celtic roots point at the definition “divine” or “delight,” perfect for your little beauty. This adorable title is also believed to derive from the Chinese name Di with a few translations like “really” or “truly.” While you may adore all these worldly associations, Deedee should also remember their Irish roots, as a form of Ó Deaghaidh, which means “good luck,” wishing baby nothing less than a prosperous and happy future.

How Popular Is The Name Deedee?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2011
- 5059
from 2008
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