US Popularity:28647
Other Origin(s):British, Greek, Irish, Latin
Meaning:Beloved; Loved by God; Deed, exploit; Son of David
Dede is an adorable gender-neutral name rich with possible origins and meanings. It’s thought to have potential roots in the Hebrew Dâvid, giving it the meanings “beloved” or “loved by God.” David is an extremely popular name, so opting for Dede will give baby an edge of uniqueness. There’s some suggestion that it’s a variant of the ancient Anglo-Saxon name Dade, which is originally derived from the Old English word daed, meaning “deed” or “an exploit.” Dade also shares Irish roots and is thought to be the shortened form of the last name McDade, meaning “son of David.” If you follow a different branch of Dede’s fascinating tree, it might have ties with the feminine moniker, Dee—a name of Greek and Latin origin. Rooted in dōrothéa and dēlĭcĭa, Dee is likely a diminutive of several names. As stated, Dede is a title full of surprises and intrigue, something that might manifest itself in your bundle of joy’s personality and future exploits.

How Popular Is The Name Dede?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
+ 1957
from 2006
In comparison to the previous year's data
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