US Popularity:1236
Meaning:Blackness; Dark
Melany is a feminine name of Greek origin. A creative variation of Melanie, Melany shares its root in the Greek words melania, meaning "blackness," and melas, meaning "dark." Far more than skin-deep leanings, Melany encourages a character of rich depths, unwavering and resolute in their beliefs. In its original spelling, the name is greatly bound to the figure Melania the Younger, a renowned early medieval saint. Melania's acclaim stems from her renouncement of all material wealth and comforts in the pursuit of a life of Christian asceticism. In her devotion, she donated charitably and dedicated her life to leading others on a path of chastity. Today, Melany is a symbol of steadfastness rooted deep, impervious to the fleeting fancy of surface desire.
How Popular Is The Name Melany?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Melany is currently #2975 on The Bump
Girl:Melany is currently #2019 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Melany is currently #1236 in U.S. births
Girl:Melany is currently #632 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 8
from 2022
Behind the Name, Melany, February 2019
Behind the Name, Melanie, December 2022
Name Doctor, Melany
WordSense Dictionary, Melanie
Online Etymology Dictionary, Melanie, December 2018
New Advent, St. Melania (the Younger)
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