US Popularity:26060
Other Origin(s):Roman
Meaning:Tenth; The tenth born; Born in December
Decimus is a masculine name of Roman and Latin origin. Translating to “tenth,” this name is an ideal choice if baby is going to be welcomed by plenty of siblings. Decimus, as a personal name, can refer to “the tenth born” or one “born in December.” If you’re a Shakespeare buff, the name Decimus can also connect your bundle of joy to the character in his play Julius Caesar, who played a role in Julius Caesar’s assassination in real life, too. Whether you want baby to embrace their thespian side or build their love for Roman history, the name Decimus will provide plenty of inspiration.

How Popular Is The Name Decimus?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2020
+ 127
from 2019
In comparison to the previous year's data
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