US Popularity:13850
Other Origin(s):Uncertain
Meaning:Gentle; Slender branch; Tendril; Fate; Destiny
Daliya is a feminine name of Hebrew origin that means "gentle," "slender branch," and "tendril.” It is a variant of the name Dalia which is a popular name in Lithuania and means “fate” or “destiny.” In Lithuanian mythology, Dalia is the goddess of faith who is known for determining a person’s material wealth and prosperity. Daliya is also a variation of the name Dahila which is a beautiful and unique flower that is in bloom from midsummer until fall. In Victorian times, the dahlia flower symbolized love, beauty, and devotion. Choosing the name Daliya is a lovely way to symbolize your love for your little one while recognizing the beauty in their gentle and unique qualities.
How Popular Is The Name Daliya?
U.S. Births
Overall:Daliya is currently #13850 in U.S. births
Girl:Daliya is currently #8128 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 3297
from 2022
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