US Popularity:5898
Meaning:Worth, value; Kindness; Grass or hay lord
Gareth is a boy's name of Welsh origin encompassing chivalry and modesty. Although its meaning is uncertain, there are quite a few theories. Depending on its root, Gareth may signify “worth,” “value,” “kindness,” “grass lord,” or “hay lord.” The name finds a fitting namesake in Sir Gareth, one of King Arthurs's noble knights of the Round Table. Brave as he is virtuous, Sir Gareth sets out to prove himself worthy of knighthood by virtue of his good deeds instead of lineage alone. And so, his adventures begin, wherein he defeats many a foe with ease and captures the heart of Sir Lancelot himself. Famed for his youthfulness and courage, Gareth is a wonderful title to bestow upon a little one about to embark on their own great adventure.
How Popular Is The Name Gareth?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Gareth is currently #2895 on The Bump
Boy:Gareth is currently #1624 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Gareth is currently #5898 in U.S. births
Boy:Gareth is currently #2736 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 240
from 2022
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