US Popularity:8491
Other Origin(s):Bulgarian, Polish, Russian
Meaning:Guelder rose, viburnum opulus
The Romanian girl’s name Calina means “guelder rose,” a type of shrub that produces cranberry-like fruits. Another spelling variation of this charming name is Kalina. This berry-bearing bush holds great significance in Russian culture. It’s referred to as kalina krasnaya, with the word kalina describing the berry and krasnaya translating to the color red. It is said that in the Russian folk culture, the berry is a symbol of love, youth, beauty, and luck. With its strong connections to affection and deep-rooted cultural beliefs, kalina krasnaya has been the muse of many poems and songs. As a modern moniker, it can also be traced to Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Polish, all also signifying “viburnum”—the Latin name for the plant. No matter if you decide to spell the name with a C or a K, this title will always carry its beautiful meaning.

How Popular Is The Name Calina?

U.S. Births

Overall:Calina is currently #8491 in U.S. births
Girl:Calina is currently #4876 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 834
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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