US Popularity:16111
A popular choice for many within Gaelic circles, Caitriona is a feminine name whose true origins lie in the Greek language. Meaning "pure," Caitriona is a Gaelic iteration of Catherine, whose earliest roots are grounded in the Greek Hekaterine. Before its incredible journey to the French realm and the shores of the British Isles, Catherine first found prominence as a variation of hekateros, meaning "each of the two." Inspired by the ancient titan goddess Hekátē, who presided over magic and incantations, the meaning speaks to her ability to cross worlds. As Catherine transformed in appearance, the name became greatly associated with the Greek katharos, from which its "pure" meaning derives. Across its evolutions and incredible journey, Catherine has remained true to its underlying spirit, encouraging little Caitrionas everywhere to do the same.

How Popular Is The Name Caitriona?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
+ 6529
from 2021
In comparison to the previous year's data
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