US Popularity:10894
Meaning:Little raven; Hill of the gorse; King; Prince; Sword; Torch; Fire
Brendell is a magical medieval moniker ready to light the way for your little warrior to mount the throne. Fit to rule over all the lands, Brendell is a mighty feminine name with roots stretching across Europe, derived from the more familiar Brenda. In Irish, Brenda means "little raven" (from bran), reminiscent of the clever messenger birds used long before we had the convenience of telecommunications and the internet! Brendell may also be related to the masculine Bréanainn o_r Welsh _breenhin, meaning "king, prince," lending a noble air to the name. From England, it draws on the Old English Brom Dun, meaning "hill of the gorse," while in Norway, brandr in Old Norse translates to "fire," "torch," or "sword," giving Brendell a fierce and badass touch. There's even a German link, as Brendell is thought to originate as a habitational surname from Brendli in the Rhineland. Baby Brendell will never need another reason to be their badass self with such a fierce name!
How Popular Is The Name Brendell?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1986
+ 5913
from 1955
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