US Popularity:7442
Meaning:From the forest, wooded
Syl is a gender-neutral baby name with Latin origins. Commonly derived from Sylvia, Syl means "from the forest," reminding baby of a home surrounded by the joys of nature. Alternatively, Syl can be an adorable nickname of Sylvan or Sylvester, sharing the meaning of "forest" and “wooded.” Syl can also be a short form for any name beginning with "Syl," like Sylas or Sylen, just to name a couple, opening baby to a wealth of possible endearments. With a name like Syl, baby can grow and flourish into the beautiful wonder they were always meant to be.

How Popular Is The Name Syl?

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in 1960
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  • Baby Names 2020 by Eleanor Turner, pg. 168, 311

  • Name Doctor, Sylvi

  • WordSense, Silvia

  • WordSense, Sylvan

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