Other Origin(s):French, Vietnamese
Meaning:Bower, cottage; Borough, market town; Lush shore; Lush bank
Bourey is a gender-neutral name with a variety of origins and meanings to encourage your little one. It can come from the English last name Bour, meaning "bower" or "cottage," or the French word bourg, meaning "borough" or "market town." A name like this is sure to make baby feel right at home from the very start. Bourey may also have Vietnamese roots, coming from the words bờ, meaning "shore" and "bank," and rì, meaning "lush." This gives Bourey the potential meaning "lush shore" or "lush bank," perfect for helping baby feel one with nature.
On this page:
SurnameDB, Last name: Bour
WordSense, bourg
Vietnamese-English Dictionary, bờ
Vietnamese-English Dictionary, rì
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